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Aug 26, 2022

How technological innovation can help your business?


Technological innovation has already interfered in your daily life: when you order your groceries online at Jumbo Drive or when you simply book your plane tickets for your next trip to Thailand on your smartphone.


 Innovation makes your personal life easier but hasn't quite found its way into your business yet. Still cautious, you have trouble visualizing how technology and its innovative tools can fit into your current organization.


 Let’s find out how technological innovation will help your business grow in 2022!

Technological  Innovation - Future technologies update
Technological  Innovation - Future technologies update

Technological innovation strengthens the customer relationship

Get to know your customer better to better satisfy them. That's the whole purpose of the maneuver! A customer who feels listened to and fully taken care of is a loyal customer. And a loyal customer always costs less (from 2 to 10 times) than a customer to conquer. What tools do you rely on?


The #1 technological innovation that helps you: A CRM


 CRM is the acronym of Customer Relation Management, or after translation: the management of the customer relationship! This tool has been specifically designed for:

Consolidate your databases (customers, prospects, etc.)

Track all interactions of the purchase process with each of them

Analyze the data: for example, how many appointments are needed to win a contract?

Track the impact of marketing campaigns on the number of leads or customers generated

Converge the objectives of the sales and marketing teams


The purpose of a CRM is to compile all the data that will facilitate 360° decision-making to generate more turnover and develop your business.


Technological innovation #2 that helps you: Social Networks


Social networks are a fabulous sounding board to find out what is being said about your company or your products. From delighted customers to detractors to ambassadors, you can get a real overview of their feedback. How?



By creating a Facebook Business Page, you concentrate data in one place that you administer (but don't entirely control, nuance).

I already hear some business leaders say “but if I open a Facebook page, people are going to complain on my page!” I “reassure” you... people are already doing it! Except you don't know :)

By allowing expressing yourself on your page, you will be able to follow and solve the problems that will arise.


Technological innovation #3 that helps you: Marketing Automation


 Marketing automation is the automation of a series of pre-established actions dedicated to optimizing lead management (requests for appointments, trials, information, prospects before the purchase phase, etc.)).


 Equipping yourself with a reliable automated marketing tool is one of the priorities of marketing departments for 2022. It will allow sales and marketing teams to align themselves on the same objectives.


 Marketing automation allows:

Increase the productivity and efficiency of sales and marketing teams

Optimize lead generation on your website (qualification of leads, optimization of forms and landing page)

Manage and nurture these leads to better qualify them

Technological innovation encourages internal collaborative work

Often, collaborative work comes down to a weekly meeting where everyone takes stock of their current tasks. Some processes have been in place for so long that you can't even remember the last time they evolved.


 There are now tools that will promote collaborative work and will bring out new creative ideas!


Technological  Innovation - Future technologies update
Technological  Innovation - Future technologies update

Technological innovation #4 that helps you: Drive


 Drive is Google's sharing and storage solution in the cloud (accessible via the internet).


 Imagine that your marketing manager, Marie, asks her team to work on a presentation for a client. Everyone will start their game on their own, and, in the end, we will realize that some chapters are covered several times and that everyone will have wasted time!


 Now, 2nd scenario: Marie creates a presentation in Drive and shares it with her team. She asks them to complete their part. Pierre and Johnny can then work on the document simultaneously and read in real time what the other is noting down while Marie makes her suggestions as she goes along. Results: more efficiency and less frustration for your teams!


Technological innovation #5 that helps you: Slack


 Slack is a real-time collaboration platform that revolves around instant messaging.


 Users join or subscribe to conversations and can even exchange files. Let's imagine that you want to develop a complementary product to the one you currently offer. You could create a discussion with all the collaborators concerned and even exchange in the form of messages...

No more emails! Because that's Slack's motto "For teams that change the world...without email"


Technological innovation facilitates mobility

Ways of working are changing and the arrival of technological innovation, such as 4G recently in Reunion Island, for example, should make working on the move easier.


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Technological  Innovation - Future technologies update

Technological innovation #6 that helps you: Tablets, laptops, and smartphones


Data can follow your teams (sales or marketing) wherever they go and facilitate exchanges with prospects or customers.


Technological innovation #7 that helps you: Cloud and Saas


 Behind these frightening words hides new ways of working. No more software to install on all your employees' workstations! From now on, everyone connects to the tools via the internet (the famous Cloud). As for the word Saas, it is the acronym Software as a Service, which precisely describes this type of software (software) hosted in the cloud and no longer on individual computer stations.

In 2022 in Reunion, your company will have to integrate technological innovations that can strengthen customer relations, encourage collaborative work among your employees or even facilitate the mobility of your employees.

Technological innovations improve productivity, advance knowledge, or simply simplify everyday office life. But above all, they must be geared towards the performance of your company. What technological innovations do you want to incorporate into your business?



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